Yes, it took awhile, but we now have reunion merchandise for sale. There are tee shirts, posters, and DVD's.
Contact me to purchase, . PayPal, check, or money orders accepted.
Remember, check the links. Support the people who helped and supported our reunion.
Tee shirts in Med, Lg, XLG, 2X, and a few 3X. The supply of size Med and 2X/3X is limited.
They are $20 post paid anywhere in the continental USA. THANKS to Peg @ Metro!
The official Yankee Reunion poster. $20 post paid, rolled up, and mailed in a tube anywhere in the continental USA.
The Yankee ISDT Team in front of their "garage" in Czechoslovakia, Barry Higgins, Charlie Vincent, and Dave Eames.
THANKS Bob Hicks!
The official Yankee Reunion DVD of Jay Duchin's video, a montage of the interviews and photos from Aug. 27th. Sure, you can watch it on YouTube, but would't you really rather have your own? They are in a sleeve and sent in a protective cardboard mailer, $20 post paid anywhere in the continental USA. THANKS Jay Duchin!